Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Lesson

I had coffee (well, she had coffee, I had a smoothie) with a friend yesterday and was sharing something the Lord had told me this summer. Her response was something like, "You need to write this down and share its prophetic message." It was already written in my journal. Now I'm sharing it.

This summer I was feeling frustrated with a friend. Angry even. Part of the reason why I felt that way was because this person wanted more for some areas of their life than they currently experienced. I could see the struggles this fellow believer faced, and could also see (not anything specific exactly, just in general) this sort of higher plane God was calling my friend up to. I could see there were things that would need to be surrendered...some idols cast down...in order to realize this onward and upward movement. And it frustrated me as I watched my friend continue in the same choices and struggles and not just accept the gift that was right in front of them.

Then the Lord spoke to my heart. Gently, but bringing great conviction. "Kate, if you think you can see more than your friend can see, how much more do you think I can see than you? How much more for you (and each of my children) do you think I want than you want for your friend? How many times have you been too blind or stubborn to lay something down that stood in the way of you coming up to Me? I do not get frustrated with you. I do not get angry with you. I am not impatient. I wait for you in love, ready for your moment of surrender. Because I do that for you, you also can do that for your friend."


There is nobody better than God at loving people where they are. But He at work within us can make us like Him. Keep going, Lord, you're making progress with me!

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